Risol Mayo

Risol Mayo are a modern take on traditional risoles from Indonesia. This type of risoles is popular for kids and adults. They are made with smoked beef, hard-boiled eggs, and mayonnaise inside. With a golden crispy crunch on the outside and molten goodness on the inside. They are perfect as an appetizer, breakfast, or snack. Here's how to make Risol Mayo.

  • Margarine (sufficient)
  • Egg 4 pcs
  • Wheat Flour 50 g
  • Milk 250 ml
  • Salt (sufficient)
  • Smoked Beef 8 slices, thinly sliced
  • Mayonnaise (sufficient)
  • Cheese 8 slices, thinly sliced 
  • Bread Crumbs 150 g
  • Cooking Oil (sufficient, for frying)
  • Make the risol wrapper. Mix flour and milk well. Add egg, egg yolk, salt and melted margarine, stir again until well combined.
  • Heat small non-stick frying pan, spread margarine on it, pour small amount of wrapper batter into hot pan. Make thin layer, repeat until all the batter is used.
  • Take 1 layer, add mayonnaise and cheese sliced. Add smoked beef, fold, make sure the filling is tightly wrapped.
  • Roll risol in flour, dip in beaten eggs, roll in bread crumbs, deep fry until well-cooked.
  • Risol Mayo is ready to serve.
