Kolak Pisang

Kolak Pisang is a typical Indonesian dessert made from banana, palm sugar, coconut milk and pandan leaves. Kolak has a savory and sweet taste and a soft texture. Kolak Pisang is usually served warm, but it can also be served cold with added ice cubes so that it becomes Es Kolak Pisang. Here's how to make Kolak Pisang.


  • 5 bananas
  • 100 grams of brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 sheet of pandan leaves
  • 200 ml water
  • 500 ml thick coconut milk 
  • The first step, peel the banana then cut it obliquely.
  • Prepare a saucepan, add water, brown sugar and pandan leaves.
  • Cook until the brown sugar dissolves.
  • After that, put the bananas into the sugar solution, then cook until the bananas are half cooked.
  • Next, add coconut milk, salt and sugar.
  • Cook while continuing to stir so the coconut milk doesn't break. Cook until the bananas and coconut milk are cooked.
  • Prepare a bowl, then pour Kolak Pisang into the bowl.
  • Kolak Pisang is ready to serve. For those who like Es Kolak Pisang, you can add ice cubes.
